What We Treat

  • Pelvic floor dysfunction

    With symptoms including but not limited to...

    -Urinary incontinence

    -Pain with intercourse

    -Pelvic organ prolapse

    -Difficulty urinating

    -Urgency with urination

    -Burning with urination

    -Over active bladder

    -Urinating at night

    -Pelvic pain, abdominal pain, groin pain

    -Fecal leakage


    -Chronic UTIs

  • Pregnancy & Postpartum

    -Back pain


    -Diastasis recti

    -Urinary leakage

    -Pelvic organ prolapse


    -Breast feeding posture

    -Birth preparation (laboring and pushing positions, tons of education)

    -Proper breast feeding posture

    -C-section management

    -Carpal tunnel

  • Functional Dry Needling

    For issues including but not limited to...

    -Back pain

    -Neck pain

    -Postural correction

    -Limited motion

    -Plantar fasciitis

    -Carpal tunnel and dequervains synovitis

    -Pelvic floor (urinary incontinence, pelvic pain, abdominal pain, constipation)

    -Whole body

Our services

  • Manual Therapy

    Utilizing manual therapy techniques including fascial mobilization, soft tissue massage, and joint mobilization to release tissue restrictions. Our tissues must be free of restrictions to function optimally!

  • Dry Needling

    A technique used to decrease pain and improve muscle function and coordination. Melissa is certified to use this modern approach in all parts of the body. Dry needling comes at no additional charge and included in the price of your session.

  • Movement Analysis

    We are looking at you head to toe to watch movement and check posture. We watch you perform everyday activities such as squatting to determine dysfunction and correct from there!

  • Exercise Prescription

    Exercise and movement are an important piece to recovery BUT it must be individualized and in a safe appropriate manner for you.

  • Education

    First, we educate you on pelvic floor, what it does and why it’s important, then on your symptoms and how we work together to reduce them. We want you to leave every session feeling empowered.

    Education on birth preparation is SO important for our pregnant moms!


  • Initial evaluation (90 minutes)

    • Full body assessment to determine the proper diagnosis and treatment plan for your care. Provide appropriate education to make you feel confidence and knowledgeable.

  • follow up visits (60 minutes)

    • Expanding on your initial evaluation including additional assessment, manual therapy, and exercise prescription/modification